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Saturday, January 14, 2012

...she's baaack!

As pointed out to me today by dear Tif, I havn't blogged in wayyy too long! SOOO many things have happened in the last 6 months or so when I blogged about seeing my cute little brother off at the airport. 

1. I'm now an old married woman and I have the greatest hubby in the world. Being a Rigby is oh so fun!

2. That same cute little brother who left on his mission is rockin' it in Italy going almost 9 months strong and we got to skype with him and Elder Rigby in Colombia on Christmas!!

3. Halloween came and went too quickly as did Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving in Utah with the Bills side of the family and really enjoyed ourselves.

4. We got to go to California for Christmas and spend lots of time with family and friends who me miss so much. Our first Christmas together was a success and we loved every bit of it. Seeing the beach was a definite added bonus ;)

5. I have a new little man in my life. His name is Max and I get to hang out with him everyday at my new job at a nearby preschool. Best job ever!

6. I'm finally a senior and this new semester may just kill me. My schedule is way too full as is my husbands. When we get a minute to be together we watch the ridiculous and addicting show Prison Break on Netflix. Even our Sundays are busy! Zac and I are in the junior nursery while Zac is also a home teaching coordinator. We go to Sandy for evenings with the fam bam and look forward to crepe nights there with some extra family and friends to catch up with. Tomorrow is one of those days and we CAN'T wait!! 

Sorry for abandoning my blog for so long but I hope this was a nice little catch up. Maybe i'll be back soon :)


  1. yeshaa. i knew i'd see one of these soon! your life is too lovely not to share it. :) you're so great danielle! lets be friends forev.

  2. Welcome back I have missed you ha ha! Way cute pics!

  3. Fun post!! Glad you are blogging again! Thats awesome you are on your last year for school! Congrats. Sounds like you two are doing well!

  4. oh hey, it's only been 5 months since your last post. (it's may, if you were confused)
