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Thursday, March 3, 2011

... she got great news yesterday!

Seeing how it's been entirely too long since my last post, i've decided to share with all of you the great news I received yesterday. Two weeks from today Mr. Wonderful and I will be enjoying the warm California weather for spring break. I very much look forward to going home and visiting with my friends and family. I'm also SOO very excited to get away with Mr. Rigby. Although this is all super amazing and I can already account for all the fun we will have, my extremely amazing mom has put the cherry on top of what will be a fantastic vacation! 

Ever since before I can remember I've been lucky enough to visit the Happiest Place on Earth quite regularly. Unfortunately I havn't been able to go in the past three years. This is where my mom comes in :) she's getting us tickets to go while we're in town! YAYY! I can't even wait! 

Can we just fast forward a couple weeks please? I promise I won't complain! Disneyland, here we come!! 

P.S. I really REEALLY love Zac hehehe


  1. hdsk;hjfkdlhaf :D :D :D haaapppiiinneeesssss!!!!! hehe.

  2. yaaaayyyy!!! please take a trip down here :) or at least somewhere close!!

  3. Woo! Disneyland!!!!!! I am going in April so I know how excited you are haha!
